I would like to go to Norway in summer. Because It is interesting for me. and In summer the air is cool and have it rain. The temperature in summer about 20-25 degrees of celsiue. The month that warm most is Augest. Many things that would I like to meet are iceburg, penquin bird and the arctic ocean. And the most important that I will see the sun in the nighttime.
Norway is the famous that the midnight sun takes place because Earth is circle and round around axis itself. When, the Earth is slant to take the North pole meets the sun. The north pole will receive the light extremely. It will receive the light 24 hours for 1 month. The sun will run around as curve above horizon line. And it is lower queitly until almost horizon line but no pass the horizon. It will higher when midnight. It makes to have the light spread the way. It is like the sun in the morning or evening. The midnight sun at the north pole will take place above thw arctic-cercel line or about 66 degree latitudes are north. It makes the people to see the sun at the daytime or nighttime.